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Dont pay so much for out of print e. No. 4T Armourers Perspective Our new CD has other unlocked pdf files, including British Sniper, L4. Youre currently subscribed to some eWEEK features and just need to create a username and password. Did you know that you can search your Dropbox files with Copernic Desktop Search A lot of us use it to store files, documents and PDFs, but it is always hard to find. A1 L3. 9A1. Manuals Parts Catalogue, Faris catalogue, photos folders, video clips, c. All for only 2. 5 Oz, 8 overseas. Joe Le. Couffe passed away on 1. Michigan. Joe was an authority on Canadian Ross rifles, he had moved to his. Joe was often seen at gun shows along. Paul Breakey. We miss you mate. Ron Hayes passed away in May at a nursing. Ron suffered a heart attack after years of ill health. But. Rons memory lives on with his fine handgun collection on display at the. Lithgow Small Arms Factory Museum, and beautiful book. The Hayes. Handgun Omnibus. Richard Calver in Canberra is compiling a study of. WW2 seized and impressed firearms in Australia. Check his new site out. Full On Full Auto 1 British US Machineguns. DVD. 2. 5. 0. 0 6 p p, 1. Full Auto 2. German Comblock MGs is now available too. SLR, the FAL with Kevin Adams. Years From piano synths to film. Ian Skennerton, 9. Run time about 8. Nice to have a record of my. Small Arms Series Live. Min familiehndbog, der frit skal hjlpe alle danskere til dagligdagens problemer med hus, have, baby, brn og resten af familien en slags grnspttebog for. DVD trailer on the SMLE, courtesy of Badger at the Milsurps Forum. Www Tintin Com Games. Click. on the strip here to download 8 min., worth the wait Brian Labudda, Wondai shop. Bigger better, even more. Now at Wondai Q. 4. Scott St. Its the last shop on the left heading north, or. Bunya Highway 4. Kingaroy. Brians postal remains the same, PO Box 7. Kingaroy. 4. 61. 0. Mob. Girls with Guns Requests for another Woman at. Arms calendar sees a new DVD with. Any Weekend in Arizona women at local MG shoots amp. Woman at Arms historical from Queen Boudecia to Kurdish freedom fighters, an A Z from Angelina Jolie to. Zara Pithian plus others, guns, blades Calendar Girls, updated calendar with close up action. M1. 6, Vickers, Bren, Thompson, Browning. M6. 0, Tactical, MPs MGs. Available from select dealers and gunshops widescreen PAL format. Two Small Arms Series Live DVD Computer. Resources CD sets now. SMLE with Brian Labudda. DVD and. 3. 03 Rifle No. No. 5 1hr 2. 7min DVD with history, models, safety, live fire, field cleaning, armourer stripping amp. The interactive Research CD has manuals out of print books as. The new 2 disc sets are A3. Australia. See our new DVD CD page to order this and other. DVD sets. Next in the series,S. L. R. the F. A. L. Kevin Adams, later this year. We. are moving from printing to DVD CD. A picture is worth a thousand words. More on serial number stamps on. Lee Enfields. When MLM, MLE SMLE rifles left the factory, serials. Base Ordnance Depots, workshops and armourers generally transcribed. MLM, MLE and nose cap not. MLM or MLE. Such stamps are likely a different stylesize. For MLM, MLE and early SMLEs, action bodies started with a progressive lot. A thru Z prior to numbers being stamped, so the. Letter. prefixsuffix was often not recorded in factory records, such as the sniper. Lithgow. Details serial no. Research CD for the S. M. L. E. Lotsof Enfield Brit Military. Archives at Enfield Collector, go to. Also see the page on Serial. Enfield. Shortened SMLE rifles. We have seen a few. No. 1 rifles from UK, described as jungle. Lithgow Shortened amp. Lightened series 2. SMLE rifles. There is a reason other than jungle rifle as. Far East requirement. Examination of Faris collection lead us to believe they were modified at. Base Ordnance Depots or by unit armourers when there has been a. Some parts including bodies are unnumbered, drawn from spares. Some AFV schedules have rifles but fitting precludes a. SMLE. Pre WW2, this only leaves a shortened No. Such a short rifle in the Faris collection with signs. AFV during WW2 when. Lithgow. Tanker models extend well beyond the British realm. After the word spreads, beware of fakesCourtesy of Ian Kuring. Army Museum curator, author of Redcoats to Cams and friend of Herb Woodend. He sent us pics from the. Enfield housing estate. With original RSAF Enfield building preserved, this. Herb is now attached outside. A New sniper record Aussies this time. Delta Coy., 2 Commando Regt. Helmund province. Two SAS. marksmen fired simultaneously with. Barrett M8. 2A1s at Taliban GPS recorded 2. Bullets. were 6 seconds in the air targets did not hear the shot. The. Telegraph story quotes 2 men firing simultaneously so unknown who scored the kill. From our experience, a little unlikely as the. IDd, verified and permission to engage. Maybe SAS anonymity, not wanting. But this beats an earlier British record of 2. These. are User Manuals which differ from our S. A. I. S. Check our www. Enfield, Snider Enfield. Martini, MLM MLE, SMLE, Rifle No.