Unattend.Xml Computer Name Serial Number

OSD Computer Name. Ive been removing MDT from our OSD Task Sequences the past few weeks. Our server is SCCM 2. R2 CU3. If you want to use OSDComputer. Amadeus Ticketing Training Software more. Name to rename computer in SCCM OSD TS Operating System Deployment Task Sequence without using MDT Microsoft Deployment Toolkit then you need your Task Sequence to be in the following order Install Operating System Restart into Windows PE Partition Disk BIOSUEFI Apply Operating System Apply Windows Settings Set OSDComputer. Name Task Sequence Variable value SERIALNUMBER Apply Network Settings you can Join a domain here Apply Device Drivers. Utorrent Plus Free Download With Crack And Keygen. Setup Operating System Setup Windows and Configuration Manager. Set Specific increasing in number Computer Name with WDS. Setting the Computer name so it gives. OU i specified within the autoattend. The pass for computer name is under ComponentsMicrosoftWindowsShellSetupComputer name You have to add the entire Shell Setup Pass into your answer Set. Install Tier 1 Apps. Cakewalk Express 3.02 Download on this page. Tim H, the reason youre getting the unattend sysprep error message is due to incorrect information earlier in this thread. Note that in my above order, OSDComputer. Name is added AFTER Apply Windows Settings and BEFORE Apply Network Settings. This specific order of tasks requires no MDT and no sysprep unattend. That is, a completely script free, native SCCM solution out of the box. Windows 7 Unattend. Generate name Based on Serial number. You can add scripts that activate, change name and add computer to domain. Script can assign individual keys to computers based on MAC address. In the case of multilicense, I would suggest to split your task and change the name by scheduled task after first boot. Computers reboots and after reboot they have assigned names. Computer Serial Number CommandUnattend.Xml Computer Name Serial NumberenspenspPC Name Change to PC Service Tag. Part 2 Assign computer name to serialservice tag number. Popular Topics in IT Programming.