Oracle.Dataaccess.Client Dll

How to determine which version of Oracle. Data. Access. dll to include. First of all clarification. You have an Oracle Database Server you called it back end oracle database and an Oracle Client no matter if this is installed on an application server, from Oracle point of view, it is the clientThe version of ODP. NET Oracle Data Provider for. NET, i. e. the Oracle. Data. Access. dll and some more files are defined by the Oracle Client. You can use almost every ODP. NET version to connect to every Oracle database version more or less. Bascically, whenever Oracle. DataAccess. Client. OracleException is threw with its Message set to an empty string, it means Oracle. DataAccess. dll fails to load its. Oracle. DataAccess. Client. OracleConnection threw an exception. Oracle. DataAccess. Oracle. DataAccess. Oracle Data Access Components ODAC and NuGet Downloads. You must accept the OTN Development and Distribution License Agreement to download this software. The Transformers Robot In 2014 here. System. Data. OracleClient OracleConnection Class. OracleConnection Class. OracleConnection Class. Compile Run Cobol Program Windows Xp. System. Data. OracleClient in System. Data. OracleClient. Web_version_Fully_Managed_ODPnet_OBE/images/t50101_a.jpg' alt='Oracle Dataaccess Dll' title='Oracle Dataaccess Dll' />Oracle Data Provider for. NET. Oracle. DataAccess. Oracle. DataAccess. Client Classes and Enumerations. Assembly System. Data. OracleClient in System. Data. OracleClient. Inheritance. the OracleCommand object does not support a CommandTimeout property. I have a web application which uses Oracle. DataAccess. dll to communicate with an Oracle db. The web application deployed on 32 bit windows system works but not on. While deploying my. NET 3. 5 Windows form to different environments we ran with lots of invalid provider issues. It works on some and doesnt work on others. Bmw Car Driving Games. Could. Accessing Oracle database without installing Oracle Client. Accessing Oracle database without. Free source code and tutorials for Software developers and Architects. Updated. The error message The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client could also mean there is no ODP. NET provider installed at all. Oracle Data AccessOracle Dataaccess ClientIn this case the error message is indeed a bit misleading. So, first check if ODP. NET is installed at all, it is not included in standard Oracle Instant Client installation. When I check all available downloads from Oracle you have ODP. NET version 9. something. Oracle, 1. x, 2. 0 and 4. Microsoft. NET Framwork strange numbering, but thats how it is. Version 9. and 1. I dont think it makes any sense to use them. Oracle client version 1. If your Oracle client is 1. ODP. NET version 2. If your Oracle client is between 1. ODP. NET version 1. If your Oracle client is older than 1. I dont know how it works its outdated anyway. Version 1. x and 2. I dont know the situation for 2. I never used 4. 0 so far. It is not required to put a local copy of Oralce. Data. Access. dll into your application directory. It will be taken from GAC Global Assembly Cache where it is installed. In your developing you only have to take care only these mayor version, for example 2. Then your loal GAC knows due to policy files which exact version is loaded, e. On top of this all you have to know whether your Oracle client is 3. ODP. NET accordingly. Here you can get more information Oracle Data Provider for.